nice. (2025)
For solo clarinet
Nice, written for unaccompanied solo clarinet, was written as a gift to my friend and fellow composer, V. Miravella. The style and musical material were influenced by genres which I have been listening to a lot, being modern jazz, funk, and neo-soul. The clarinet functions as a multitude of instruments and sounds present in these genres, like the bass, horns, and keys, and the passages are meant to be virtuosic and feature the soloist’s skill and versatility in the context of these genres.
[Video not yet available]
For woodwind ensemble and electronics
CONNECTING… was written for a final project for a composition class during my study at the University of North Texas. I decided that, like with all of my pieces, to try something new- this time, it was to incorporate live electronics into my music. The piece was inspired by modern jazz, hyperpop, and neo-soul, genres which I have been listening to quite a lot recently.
Watch on YouTubeFlight of the Blackbird (2023)
For flute, oboe, clarinet trio
Watch on YouTubeNougat (2024)
For jazz big band
Collaboration with Vincent Miravella
Watch on YouTubePortraits of a City (2024)
For violin, clarinet, piano trio
This piece is a reflection on my experiences from when I lived in New York City when I was younger. There were certain emotions that simply being in the city would evoke in any person experiencing it. The two movements are of contrasting style and each have their own musical influences as well as extramusical influences. The musical material in each movement reflects the experiences I wanted to capture.
These two musically distinct movements come together to convey the unique and invigorating feelings of the city, whether as a person living in the city or as a tourist, visiting to see the sights.
[Video not yet available]
Perusal scores available upon request